1. Quick-Check Signup on our Website and we will check out your chances of being able to live and work in Germany. You will hear back from us within a few days.
List Item 12. The job interview If the initial check is positive, we will assign a small development task to you and then we will invite you for a job interview using Video Chat and if possible, in person. You probably have many questions as well, so let us talk and hopefully, we will be able to offer you work in Germany.
List Item 23. CV and qualifications Every Job Market is different. Therefore we will help you to write your CV to meet the requirements and expectations in Germany and where required we arrange to translate documents and diploma, and get qualifications recognised by the relevant authorities. Every case is different, and we are here to support you.
List Item 34. Jobseeker’s visa, Work and Residence permits As EU citizen there is very little paperwork involved, you have the right to move to Germany and to work here. For candidates from outside the EU, we will provide you with the information regarding the Visa applications and documents required.
List Item 45. Flexible work contract You want the job, and we want you! All that's left to do now is to sign your work contract. Based on your personal situation and preferences we will be able to provide you with permanent, temporary or freelance contracts.
6. Your accommodation We will help you to get started and therefore will invite you to stay at our company apartment at our headquarters or close by. Later we will provide you with accommodations close to your future workplace as well.
7. Settle in to life in Germany A place to stay, a project to work on, training to us the latest development and project management are one part of settling in. The other part is to live in Germany and enjoying it, getting a local SIM card, converting your driver's licence, finding a gym....
8. Language skills: It’s easier in German English is the preferred language for communication at projects and working with us. Still, we prefer you learn some basic German for daily life and will enrol you in a basic German language course at our office or nearby.
9. Building your career We will not only find the most suitable projects for you but as well plan your career. Germany is a very exciting and fast developing market. We will plan your career and will coach you how to present yourself, will advise on what projects and clients are most promising and will provide guidance.
10. Living in Germany Germany provides an outstanding quality of life, safety, public infrastructure and many things to do and a future not only for you alone. In case you decide to bring your spouse and children to Germany, you will find world-class health care and education here. And you probably will be surprised that education, in general, is free in Germany, even at University.